Thursday 14 December 2017

Brixham WI Christmas Party!

It was lots of fun, very sociable with plenty of welcome guests from our neighbouring WIs. As usual the tables were groaning under the weight of the delicious food supplied by Brixham members! The quiz was way too difficult for our table - we pose no threat to the Eggheads, and Barbara L read out a funny poem with a heartwarming twist to finish!

The Christmas Crackers as presented by the drama group caused a great deal of merriment - I must say I am sort of dreading the photos....! 

Well done to everyone for coming along to make it a good afternoon.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all! 

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Christmas Coffee Morning!

 Here we are, setting up the huge range of delicious cakes, always our top selling table! Already, only a few hours after the event I'm receiving rave reviews about the cakes! Trip Advisor has never seen the like! 

Kate and Annie, gearing up for the crowds of coffee drinkers!

We couldn't resist having a closer look at all of the delectable hand made decorations! 

It was a very enjoyable, sociable - and calorie laden! - morning! Thank you to everyone who came along to help and to everyone who came to support us. 

Thursday 7 December 2017

Christmas Lunch at Lupton House

What a fabulous venue! Wow! We arrived in the sunshine, which shone through into the gorgeous room where a grand table was laid for us. The huge Christmas tree stretched right up to the ceiling, it was beautiful! 

As the afternoon wore on, and the sun moved away, some people were very grateful to Barbara who had brought a number of shawls! 
The food was very good - and the dessert was a little plate with four different, rather gorgeous puddings! We finished with a fun heads and tails game, organised by Tina.

Thank you Mary and Tina for all of your efforts in organising the lunch - really excellent choice of venue!


Monday 4 December 2017

On the Fourth Day of December,

🎤 Brixham WI gave
Eight bulging bags full
Of gifts to the Women's
Refuge in Torbay 🎤

(OK, I realise it doesn't scan properly, or even really fit the music - but you get the idea!)
Great work, Brixham WI! 

Saturday 2 December 2017

Cooking Demonstration at Devon College

Cooking demonstration followed by lunch

 Hosted by Devon WI
  • Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at 10:15 AM - 3 PM

  • South Devon College, Paignton, TQ4 7EJ

Friday 1 December 2017

Walking Netball after Christmas

The next session will be on Thursday 18th  January, 9.30 until 10.30 followed by coffee and biscuits! It's at the Parkfield Centre in Paignton.

There is no running or jumping! 
It is loads of fun!
What is not to like? 

Put the date in your diary and come and see what it's all about!