Thursday 29 October 2020

WI Swimmers!

 We had a very good swim this morning, four of us met at the pool at 8.30 am - and a couple of us came back to my house for a coffee and a chat afterwards. Very civilised and sociable! Thank you to Wendy C and Annie for organising - and for everyone’s company! 

The social distancing etc measures at the pool are excellent - no worries on that score whatever. 

We also came up with a few good ideas for WI activities ... and I learnt that a frozen lemon drizzle cake makes an excellent choice for soothing a bashed and bruised elbow. Who knew? 

Wednesday 28 October 2020

The last zoom of October 2020!

 Well, despite my inept organisation this week, we had a most enjoyable zoom chat today! Barbara’s challenge was absolutely top notch, enjoyed by all. The highest number of words achieved was by Mike C - 130 - even though we weren’t going to include others, you can’t knock a score like that!

Incidentally, if you would like to have a go: how many four letter or more words can you get from Women’s Institute? No plurals or proper names. 130 is your target!

Wendy Mac
’s quiz was absolutely brilliant! Thank you both, and thank you everyone else for your company!

Tuesday 27 October 2020


 Copied and pasted from the UWI FaceBook page: 

A lot of work has already gone in to preparing and selecting a shortlist of resolutions for next year. The list of resolutions has been released for discussion and voting within each Federation. I’d like to urge everyone to look out for these meetings, read and discuss them, and prepare to vote on them. The Federation meetings this year are online, and some are happening quite soon, and are already open for bookings. Please check with your Federation, and take part; resolutions are a huge part of who we are as an organisation.

Thursday 22 October 2020

Barbara’s cards

 Barbara has been busy again, making her cards - first one using a hot foil technique learned from Beryl:

And the second one using her flash paper cutting machine and a piece of the encaustic wax made at one of Mary’s workshops.

Aren’t they great? 

Fancy a dip, anyone?

 WI Swimmers are increasing! There were four of us at the pool today! (And only a few other swimmers, so it still feels quite exclusive!) Next week I invite the WI swimmers to my house for coffee afterwards (max 5, obvs!). (Not a full English, I’m afraid, Wendy C! )

Wednesday 21 October 2020

WI Walks!


This very wet morning, Margaret Thomas, Gail, Mary Williams and myself (Hilary Bligh) had a long but enjoyable walk from the quay, to Fishcombe, across the common to Churston Hotel for coffee. Then a walk back. Thoroughly enjoyable and all thanks to belonging to an active WI, which we love. 

A new twist on the quiz today!

 The quiz organisers thought of a new way to run the quiz at our zoom meeting today - she had the questions prepared but no answers! Oops! It seemed to work ok thanks to other people in the room and our old friend google! Sorry if I forgot to invite you, and if you couldn’t make it today! Hope to see you next week, with a two part quiz! (Questions AND answers!)

Just zooming in the rain....

 What a very grey day today! Ideal for a lively chat with friends on zoom! Today at 11 o’clock! 

Tomorrow we are meeting at 8.30 at the swimming pool - anyone fancy coming along to that? £4.50 and wear your swimming costume under your clothes! Showers are possible on the way out!

Or, perhaps you will be indulging in one of your indoor  hobbies today - baking, checking over your house plants, making or crafting - perhaps you enjoy listening to music or a play on the radio? Let’s face it, there is so much to do at home! 

Thursday 15 October 2020

WI Swimmers Are Go!


Three intrepid swimmers enjoyed a gentle afternoon swim! Only one other person was using the pool, so it really felt quite exclusive! Thank you to Wendy C and Annie for having the idea and organising it all! Next Thursday we are going again - meeting outside the pool at 8.30 am.
Please join us, it was fun and very sociable! 

News from Brixham Future Community Interest Company

 New artwork postponed to protect veterans attending. 

The launch of Brixham Future Community Interest Company (1) new artwork to mark the 75th Anniversary of the end of the Second World War (1939-1945) has been postponed until 2021. The new artwork was due to be unveiled on Remembrance Day by Mr. Fred Bates, a 104 year old Veteran of both the North Africa and Italian campaigns.  The Chair of Brixham Future john Brennan States:

`` It is with great regret that our Board took this decision. The latest restrictions reduced public gatherings from 30 to 6 people and who knows what will now follow. Many of the attendees would have been older veterans and despite their willingness we felt it unfair to ask them. Also the majority of the public would not have been able to attend the dedication service. It seems such a shame following on from the cancelled VE Celebrations in May which we anticipated would have attracted at least 20,000 people to the 60 free activities and events. We can confirmed that we will install the artwork sometime in the new year and officially launch at some time then.``

The new artwork will compliment and link with the existing WW1 profiles opposite the main Brixham Bus Station. Both artworks are designed by the same local artist Lynne Peets, who runs a gallery with her 2 sisters in Middle Street, Brixham. The metalwork and placement work will be carried out by the same well known local firm Western Engineering in Castor Road, Brixham.

The artwork design includes 125 individual poppies representing a life that was lost as recorded on the towns War Memorial.  All the poppies are individual and are hand-made by Izzie Lomas, a well respected local artist.  Many other Brixham people were killed, lost at sea, injured and suffered in World War Two.

The WW2 figures represent the `shadows` of that departed generation as a tribute to them from the town. The figures include Winston Churchill, our Prime Minister who provided the country with decisive leadership and figures of the 3 machines (aeroplanes, tanks and ships) and infantryman who delivered the victory. The symbolism is that the nature of war was being transformed from mainly human combat to machines- a process that continues today.  

The project co-ordinator and Board Member John Ruddensays:

``It is important that we remember the sacrifice of previous generations. Many of their descendants still live in Brixham. The artwork will be on public display and will add to the cultural assets of the town. Small projects like these can make a big difference as they bring people together and improve our environment. We are grateful to everyone who helped thus far and we are sorry for the disappointment.``

(1) Brixham Future CIC is a not for profit local community group that delivers small scale, quick win, low cost, affordable projects that improve Brixham. They previously deliver the WW1 Shadows project ; the 9 days of 40 free public events to mark the 75th anniversary of D-Day 1st -9thJune last year ; 2 new wall murals and new planters in the main town car park. 


Wednesday 14 October 2020

News from Devon Federation of WIs, Environment and Rural Affairs


Hello – Due to Covid 19 as you are all aware very little activity has taken place by this committee and indeed all of our scheduled events for the year had to be cancelled.  We do hope to pick some of these up next year, but of course that is yet to be known.  In particular we would like to try to put on the Kick the Plastic Habit event as we had arranged some very interesting people as speakers.  

We are bringing you this new idea of a short newsletter to keep you informed of some of the issues we are currently interested in.  

Centenary Challenge

Just before lockdown we were pleased to receive 97 out of the 100 target of WIs that were interested in taking part in this challenge.  We do realise that nothing much will have happened since then.  This challenge will now run on for another year, giving everyone time to participate the way they had planned.  Of course there is still time to apply and the items in this letter may inspire some new ideas.  

Application forms are still available from 

There are some lovely prizes for category winners,including cash prizes and a beautiful silver rose bowl for the overall winning submission

Poetry competition.

DFWI is hoping to collate a number of poems from members from around the county into a small booklet. Looking for poems on the following themes: 


British wildlife, birds or flowers, 

Litter or waste. 

In addition, pencil or ink drawings, black and white only, are invited for the booklet. 

To be submitted by 31st December 2020.














































Keep Brixham Tidy!

Is anyone interested in meeting on Friday mornings to join in with this Town Council initiative? Please let me know. We could go for a coffee afterwards.....


Tuesday 13 October 2020

Walks today!

Would you like to join in one of our walks? Please let me know! We always invite a group of six to join in each time.  This is a great way to keep in touch and enjoy each other’s company! 

Two groups of us walked to Berry Head today! One this morning - here are two comments from Sally and Hilary:

 Had a  lovely and talk today with Margaret, Hilary,Gail, and Ginny ( the dog !)

Anyway a big "Thank you" to you and the committee for all you do to keep us busy and in contact with one another. It is really appreciated

I, with Sally Carter, Gail and Margaret Thomas had such a lovely walk this morning to Berry Head and have made arrangements to meet again next week.
 I am so grateful that I managed to join our WI before the Covid restrictions. 

This afternoon four of us set off on the same route! Here is Pat’s comment: 
Many thanks for the walk this afternoon. Really enjoyed the company and coffee.

Monday 12 October 2020

Swimming, anyone?

 Thursday 15th October, 2.15 pm: anyone fancy a swim?

Cost of entry £4.50 unless you are a member. Arrive at the
Admiral Swimming Centre, next to the Rugby Club,
already in swimsuit if possible, take bag to put belongings in and take them with you, racks available poolside. Use changing rooms and showers after swim.
Wendy C and Annie checked it out for us last week and recommend it!

Thursday 8 October 2020

Feeling adventurous?

 Wanting to try something a little bit different and not too scared to do a spot of zooming? This might be the very thing for you!

Book Share Zoom - a success!

 Jayne has started a lovely book share, lots of chat about what we read and enjoy about books, and the films of books, too! How much did we fit into that short time! 

A few people couldn’t make it this month, but have said they will join in next time - November 12th. 
“A Man Called Ove” by Frederik Backman is the book chosen; with Donna Tartt’s  ‘The Goldfinch‘ as well if we like. (Apparently The Man Called Ove is thin!)
Thank you, Jayne, we appreciate it! 

Wednesday 7 October 2020

Scavenger hunt, anyone!

 Welcome to Anne, who moved here only two weeks ago! We tried to recommend places to eat - getting priorities right! I hope you don’t put on too much weight as a result, Anne! 

Jayne came up with a fun scavenger hunt! Much enjoyed by all! 

Monday 5 October 2020

WI members have been busy!

 Lots of our members have had a very busy time in the garden this summer, and we must have accounted for many of the appointments at the tip, between us all! Plants have been swapped, purchased, bulbs planted and shrubs cut back. Our local garden centres have done well from Brixham WI! 

Tina has been honing her sourdough bread baking skills to perfection and Hilary, having only recently taken up knitting, has been set a particularly tricky task of knitting some fingerless gloves - with the little cover - for her grandchildren! Sally, thinking to move house, is having to keep up that Ideal Home standard in readiness for potential viewers - such a strain! The ladies at our friendly bowling club have completely and  beautifully redecorated the inside of the clubhouse, much to the surprise of their husbands, so I hear! Wendy Mac has been taking some of the Denman at Home paper craft courses, Sally and Tina have learned some new recipe techniques, and Tina has done a couple of sewing courses. I did one on faux calligraphy and a dressmaking session. Wendy C has been swimming, keeping up with her embroidery and enjoying the community spirit in her road thanks to the lockdown coffee mornings they started back in March. 

I have been trying some paper crafts which I used to do with the children when they were small - more than 20 years ago! My papier-mâché bowls still need a coat of varnish! 

And the recycled paper is improving in quality with each new sheet!

Have you been trying something new? Improving on a long forgotten skill? Let me know! 

Friday 2 October 2020

Fancy a swim anyone?

 During our walk this week, Wendy C suggested we might go swimming at the Admiral pool, just next to the Rugby Club. If you would like to be included in this activity, please let me know.

Wendy and Annie visited the pool yesterday and this is what they found: 

The pool and surrounding areas were very clean and well organised. We were thinking of finding a public time during the day and letting some ladies know.