Thursday 30 September 2021

Sewing group starts up…

 A few of us met this afternoon to find out all about the sewing machine and how it works. Gary gave very clear explanation, and lots of information, with some very interesting details about the history of the machines. Now, we are all going to check out our own machines and actually try out some of those attachments we have never used before!

Thank you Susie for arranging it!
Next time: a meeting at Sparks’ house - October 11th.

                                                                 Tina, Julie M and Sheila

                                                           Susie, Vanessa and Virginia

Tuesday 28 September 2021

 We had quite a windswept and interesting walk today! We managed to make it to the Breakwater Bistro for a coffee and a really good chat! Thank you all for your lovely company, everyone! Yvonne Lovell Hilary Bligh Jean Bartlett Sue England

Monday 27 September 2021

 Brixham WI members! Are you thinking about this? We are looking for your ideas - bring them to our next meeting, please!

What does Brixham WI mean to you?
What is our unique selling point?
Can you come up with a visual representation for us to use as our logo?
Something which says, loud and clear: “Brixham WI”?

Does this ring a chord with anyone? 🙋🏻‍♀️

This week Brixham WI members can look forward to a walk on Tuesday, meet at 10.30 at the Man and Boy statue. (Always ending up with a coffee somewhere!). On Thursday we have a swim at 8.30 at the Admiral pool and a talk on how to look after your sewing machine at 2pm!
I look forward to seeing you!


Thursday 23 September 2021

This week!


Yvonne L, Jean, Gail and Hilary making the most of the good weather for a great walk with Sue E.

Our craft  afternoon was on Wednesday this week, with quite a few members turning up to knit squares for a blanket. 

We enjoyed a very lovely time at the pool this morning! Annie, Wendy C, Sue E and Jean

Next week we have a talk at the Maker’s Space in The Edge charity shop in Fore Street - all about how to look after your sewing machine! If you haven’t already put your name on the list, please let me know if you would like to come along.

Sunday 19 September 2021


And for your enjoyment, Brixham WI members, this coming week we have:
Tuesday 10.30 am meet at the Man and Boy statue for a walk
Wednesday 2pm craft afternoon
Thursday 8.30am Swim at the Admiral Pool

Friday 17 September 2021

Are you taking any action on climate change?


 **Important notice!**

The times for the WI members’ craft session next Wednesday have changed! 
It will run from 2pm until 4pm instead of during the morning. 
We can’t rely on anyone from the Rugby Club being available to open up for us during the morning. 
This photo was taken during a pre COVID craft afternoon.

Thursday 16 September 2021

Fifty Shades of Dartmoor Sheep! September meeting.

 Paula Steer from came to tell us all about the story of her family and her flock. She is truly an inspiring woman! We learned plenty about rams, ewes, lambs and how it all happens! It was a fabulous talk, entertaining, informative and lots of fun. 

Our treasurer, Tina, gave us the news that we have our quota of 60 members, and she has started a waiting list! 

We gathered ideas for workshops, how to celebrate our 50th birthday next year and a request for every member to help design a logo for Brixham WI. An image or words…. Please bring your suggestions to our next meeting, in October, so that we can all decide what we feel represents us.

In November we have our Group meeting, Monday 1st with a speaker telling us all about her experiences “Upstairs Downstairs”. We usually have a competition or a theme for this meeting - does anyone have any ideas?

Also in November is our Exhibition for the Margaret Seaward Challenge. The theme is “These are a few of my favourite things” and any type of item created by you for the occasion will be very welcome. Flower arrangement, photo, poem, quilling, tatting, sewing, painting, mosaic, knitting, paper folding, baking…. The world is your oyster! Surprise us! We need lots of entries! Have a go! Every item will be appreciated and admired. 

We all did our very best  to adhere to COVID safe guidelines - thank you all for coming along and thank you to the many, many members who helped it all run so smoothly! The room looked lovely, with the flowers, the tablecloths and all of those smiling, happy faces! 

Tuesday 14 September 2021


 At our meeting on Wednesday 15th, we will take a moment to remember two of our Brixham WI members who sadly passed away since we met. Here is a lovely photo of Margaret Seaward at one of our craft workshops. Margaret is third from the right, standing behind the tutor. She is remembered with great fondness by many of our members. 

Walk today!


Yvonne D, Jill D, Sue E, Pam, Wendy Parr and Sparks

We had a great walk and a coffee at the end of it today! Thank you for your lovely company, everyone! 

Saturday 11 September 2021

One of our canaries has landed!


Yes! Well done, Tina! Has anyone else sent their canary to our MP, or any of the government ministers? 

11th September


The first Women's Institute meeting in Britain was held in Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch on 11th September 1915.

The WI movement had begun in Canada in 1897 for the wives of members of the Farmers' Institute. In the UK, it was originally set up to revitalise rural communities and to encourage women to become more involved in producing food during the First World War. After the first year, there were 40 WIs across the UK and has since grown to become the UK's largest women's voluntary organisation. There are in excess of 200,000 members in over 6,500 branches, offering women the chance to take part in a range of various activities and to campaign on important local issues.

Denman at Home

 Here is a selection of the courses on offer from Denman at Home - most of them cost £5, and from our experience so far, this represents excellent value!

Friday 10 September 2021

An important letter from NFWI

 Dear all,


I am writing to make you aware of the action NFWI is taking in response to the developing situation in Afghanistan as we have had a number of contacts from members on this issue. Please cascade this information to WIs in your federation.


We are deeply concerned about the situation in Afghanistan and particularly about the very real threats to the safety of women. We stand in solidarity with those calling on the international community not to turn their backs on the women and girls of Afghanistan. We are urging the UK Government to do everything in its power to protect the Afghan people, particularly women and girls.


The NFWI has been in contact with other charities and NGOs working in Afghanistan or to support women and girls affected about ways that we can add value to their efforts. We have also fed the views of members into ACWW so that they can raise these on our behalf where relevant. 


Members who wish to support calls for the UK government to take action can do the following:


• Sign this petition which calls for a range of actions to protect the freedom of Afghan women and girls


• Write to their MP asking them to push the government for action to support women and girls. Adraft letter you can send to your MP is attached to this email.


We are aware that many members will also want to take practical action to support refugees who have been resettled in the UK. We have therefore collated a list of organisations working in this field that are asking for support from the public. This list can be found at the following link:

The usual guidelines on WI fundraising activity continue to apply so please do consult the guidance on My WI before taking part in any charitable appeals within your federation or WI.


In the meantime, if you have any questions, please get in touch with the Public Affairs Department via email ( or phone (020 7371 9300 ext. 2002). Please note the Department’s new phone extension.


Please cascade this email to WIs in your federation.


Best wishes,


Emma Holland-Lindsay

 The Book Share group met yesterday at The Railway Inn for a very good discussion. We talked about the book, which some of us had managed to read to the end - more through a feeling of obligation as it was for the book share! Not a favourite! Lots of other chat, too! The next author is Joanna Trollope, so we are all a tad more hopeful!

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Watch out for the one with the drill! I don’t think we will find her in Brixham WI - judging by this email today: 

 I am so looking forward to meeting with old and new friends! I feel so fortunate to be a member of Brixham WI and thank you all for providing ongoing friendship and support during the past months all much appreciated.

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Coffee Morning at the Railway Inn

 What a beautiful morning to spend some time catching up with a few friends! Lovely company, thank you everyone! Another new member came along, too! Welcome, Jean!

The next one is booked for Tuesday 5th October at 11, The Railway Inn.

                                                              Tina, Jean and Sue CY
Jill H, Pam, Jill D, Sue M, Mary W and Jane M

Ready to fly!


Here are canaries from Tina and me,  getting ready for their journey! 

Friday 3 September 2021

Fly, canaries, fly!

 The time is drawing near for our canaries to fly! We had a lot of fun making them, let us hope that they carry a strong message and help to make a difference.

The info from canary craftism suggest we sent the letter to the MP's constituency office.   To save you looking this up 
Anthony Mangnall MP
Conservative Club
Station Rd
Totnes TQ9 5HW

I thought I would also send one to Alok Sharma MP - (Reading West)
16C Upton Road
Reading RG30 4BJ

Borin Johnstone PM (his constituency is Uxbridge and South Ruislip but contact address is House of Commons SW1A 0AA.  Postcode for 10 Downing St.  SW1A 2AA

Rishi Sunak (Richmond)
Unit 1 
Omega Business Village

Thursday 2 September 2021

 Swimming today was great - despite having to find my coat to wear to the pool! Next week same time, same place - 8.30 am at the Admiral Pool.