Sunday 30 June 2024

What’s On?

The start of July looms! What is in store for our Brixham WI members?
Tuesday: coffee at 10.30 at Lupton House café - just turn up to enjoy the company and surroundings
Thursday: Mindful colouring at 2pm - contact Jayne S for details.
This week’s purple orchid photo was taken at Braye Harbour, Alderney. Last week’s was taken on Berry Head! (Thank you Wendy C)

Thursday 27 June 2024

Book Share from Jayne

 New book is ‘Blood and Sugar’ by Laura Shepherd-Robinson - a page turner of a crime thriller.

What a wide range of genres have been read this month. A collection of short stories by Joanne Harris (The Cat, the Hat and a Piece of String), self improvement (Make your Bed, William Boyd) novels(Graham Norton’s Forever Home), the supernatural (Joy Ellis’ Aura of Mystery), historical (Robert Harris) and a plethora of crime fiction.
Time to exchange books we have been given and those we have enjoyed.

Saturday 22 June 2024

What’s on just for our Brixham WI members?
Monday 24th June 2pm: Sew Mondays. Please let Jill Haslam know you will be there!
Wednesday 2 pm: Monthly craft afternoon. Water colour flower painting.
Thursday 2pm: Book Share

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Our Birthday Party!

 We had a special guest at our birthday meeting this month. The Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Devon, Nick Powell, came and gave us an interesting insight into the roles and duties of Devon's Lord Lieutenant and his deputies. He showed some photos of King Charles, our late queen, and other royals carrying out royal duties in the county, and how he and his colleagues supported them. 

We then had a super tea, and a good chatter to catch up with friends. 
(Photos to follow!)

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Bookworms’ report from Rebecca

Last Wednesday we met and discussed the island of sea women by Lisa See. Highly recommend and thoroughly enjoyed!
Other books enjoyed this month:
Think Twice - Harlen Coben
Seven Sisters -Lucinda Riley
A man called ove - Fredrik Backman
Mind Games - Nora Roberts
the Time keeper - Mich Albom
This month’s book is the last remains by Ely Griffiths

Saturday 15 June 2024

What’s On?

 Happy Birthday Brixham WI! This is the month of our official birthday - just like someone else! Woo hoo!

What’s on this week?
Wednesday: Birthday Party! Everybody is helping! Check the last BrixhamWI email for all the details! Have lots of fun! This is going to be a very Grand Affair!
The photo shows a different gathering - obviously! No need to wear pink to this event!

Saturday 8 June 2024

What’s On?

 This week for our very own Brixham WI

members we have:

Wednesday 11 am Book Worms - contact person is Rebecca
Thursday 10.30 am meet at the Man and Boy statue for a morning walk in Brixham. Confer on our WhatsApp group to ensure you won’t be walking alone!

Sunday 2 June 2024


 Tuesday is our monthly WI coffee morning at Lupton House café! 10.30 am

Saturday 1 June 2024

What’s On?

What’s on for our Brixham WI members this coming week?
Thursday: 2pm Mindful colouring.
2pm committee meeting