Friday 20 September 2024

Fun evening, anyone?

 Fiona has found what looks like a fun evening! Saturday 9th November in the Scala Hall. £6, bring food and drink to share. An evening of dance: Hafla and Cultural Dance Event.

They have a Facebook page where you can see more details

Advance warning! Preparation time!

 Advance warning! Our November Institute meeting is our Margaret Seaward Exhibition! Time for something completely different!

The theme is “Nursery Rhymes”.
Everyone who wishes to join in can do so!
Find something, make something, wear something, photograph something….. to give your representation of a nursery rhyme. A flower arrangement, a drawing, a hand made card, something you have printed, something baked, a scene in a box or on a tray, a poem you have written,

something knitted, crocheted or embroidered, paper maché, salt dough, cardboard, a demonstration or dance, a video you have made…..I‘m sure you can come up with something!
It has to be created by you for this particular competition!
Joining in is the whole point! Let’s make it a bumper exhibition!
Here is an example - if Noddy was in a nursery rhyme, I might enter my egg cup here! (But he isn’t, so I won’t!)

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Sue E’s grandson Bilbo…

…is raising money by walking, swimming and cycling the number of miles from Land’s End to Jon o Groats. His last mile is on 9th November and he invites you/us to join him in walking it. All for a donation to his chosen charity: Young Lives versus Cancer.

The walk will be on Sat 9th Nov, more details to follow here’s Sue’s daughter’s post about Bilbo’s journey

September Institute meeting

 September’s Institute meeting was a stunner! Our speaker, Tom Crump from

YesBrixham Edge was very engaging and told us so much about the work of this very special Brixham charity!
We held a collection for Yes! Brixham in addition to the fee Ann will pay them. We also gave him a badge! (see the photo below!) Please take a look at the photos to see a couple of events they have coming up, as well as a useful session for IT help, which may be of use to some of us!

Sue E told us about her grandson’s amazing challenge and invited us all to join in the last mile with him on 9th November. (Look out for a few more details from Sue)

PS. On checking my email at home, I find that the archivist at the Box in Plymouth is not only moving offices, but also changing her job! So, she can no longer offer the Behind the Scenes guided tour!
I shall keep an eye on their Website to see whether anything similar will be on offer later in the year.

Sunday 15 September 2024

For you from the WI Learning Hub

 Grown tired of using the same recipes? Is your weekly menu lacking in inspiration? Do you love trying new cooking ideas? This could be your solution!

This is copied from an Instagram post. You can find out more by looking here:

What’s on for our Brixham WI members this week?

 What’s on this week?

Wednesday: 2pm our monthly Institute meeting. The speaker is Tom Crump (and possibly Christine Guy as well), who will tell us all about the Youth Enquiry Service at The Edge in Brixham. They have a charity shop in Fore Street and a former chapel in Bolton Street. Come along to find out much, much more.
They have spoken to us several years ago, and it ranks amongst the best meetings we have held - don’t miss this one!

Thursday evening: a few of us are going to see the National Theatre Live screening of Jody Comer‘s play Prima Facie. Buy your tickets on line, at the library or at the theatre box office.

Friday 13 September 2024

Book Worms report from Rebecca

 Hello everyone!

Bookworms met this Wednesday at the golf club to discuss ‘the reading list’ by Sara Nisha Adams. Most of us really enjoyed it although some really didn’t. It centres around a list of books to read and some of us would now like to read what we haven’t already read from the list. I’ll put the list below in case you fancy it, too!

Other life topics covered:
Breakdown cover (anyone know who’s best for one of our members?!)
School holidays and kids during it
And sea swimming!
We had a really great time. There’s one space left if you would like join us. 📚

Wednesday 11 September 2024

A kind offer from Tina

For Insomniacs
Hops are supposed to aid sleepiness, so I recently made a double layered bag with hops from the garden, for myself and a friend. Both of us think it has aided better sleep.
I now have some hops in the garden, and if you would like some, to make yourself a little hop bag, please let Tina know and she will

try to get some to you.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Widecombe Fair

Our Grand Day Out to Widecombe Fair was excellent! Loads of interesting stalls, great morris dancers, lots of lovely woolly sheep - photo below of the prize winners! Tally Ho coaches did a perfect job! Thank you to Lynn for organising it all!
I‘m looking forward to the Goose Fair in Tavistock next month! Are you coming?

Sunday 8 September 2024

What’s On?

We may be dodging a few raindrops this week! Undaunted, we have lots going on! Brixham WI On Tour!
Tuesday: Jan Stewer, Harri Hawke and Petra Davy are going to Widecombe Fair. Possiby not on a grey mare!
Wednesday: Book Worms meet at 11 am. Contact Rebecca if you would like to join in!
Thursday: Committee meeting, preceded by lunch (looking after the inner woman)

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Mislaid your programme?

The programme is listed on the right side of the blog. If you can’t find this on your mobile, scroll down the page and click on ‘view web version’ as shown in the photo below. Then you will be able to find it by scrolling down the page and looking on the right hand  side.

Card Games at the Golf Club!


The cribbage afternoon was most enlightening and enjoyable! It turns out that some are more competitive than others! Mentioning no names! Thank you to Tina for organising and helping us all, and to the players for their excellent company! Same time, same place next month, Wednesday 2nd October.

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Message from Jayne!

 Attention members coming to colouring and lunch on Thursday! 

Venue is Caroline’s kitchen. Lunch available. Table booked

Coffee morning

 Our monthly coffee this morning at the Coach House Café, Lupton House, was excellent! Plenty of laughs, plenty of catching up and plenty of plans for fun activities for us all!

Sunday 1 September 2024

What’s On?

The final week of August was a relaxing and restful one for our intrepid Brixham WI members! Now, take a look at the first week of September!
Tuesday: 10.30 meet at Lupton House café for a sociable catch up over a very good cup of coffee.
Wednesday: 2pm cribbage at Churston Golf Club (if you would like lunch before, please contact Tina)

Thursday: 2pm mindful colouring at Churston Golf Club. (If you would like lunch before, please contact Jayne S)