Wednesday 25 January 2017


Are you at home with some spare time on your hands? Interested in the changing world around you? Why not join in with the Show the Love campaign and make a green heart to wear on Valentine's Day and highlight the concerns for our environment and our wildlife? 
Here is a quick way to make a heart, based on the Scandinavian style craft I learned at Denman College at the weekend. Once you have assembled your ingredients, as shown in the picture 

Take the smallest heart and sew it to the middle sized one using back stitch following the design on the completed heart. Before you add the 'v' shape to the end of each line, add the largest heart to the sandwich. Then sew on your button. Sew the safety pin to the second large heart and then add it to your heart sandwich, finishing it off by blanket stitching around the edge. Then give it to a friend or family member to wear and make another for yourself! Tell them what it's all about - has much more information, or look at if you want to know more.

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