On Monday the walkers went to Cockington
And on Tuesday they walked from the Man and Boy statue to the Berry Head Hotel for a coffee in the warm and cosy lounge!
On Monday the walkers went to Cockington
And on Tuesday they walked from the Man and Boy statue to the Berry Head Hotel for a coffee in the warm and cosy lounge!
Today we decided that we would like to start working on a collaborative project. We have already made some quilts which we donated; so! What can we make? Suggestions so far are trauma teddies and twiddle blankets. Any more ideas?
What is happening this week for our Brixham WI members?
Coffee this morning at Berry Head Hotel Brixham was very sociable! Lots of friendly chat, and three of us (well, ‘them’!) had been for a swim before! Warm and cosy surroundings with an amazing view!
Fiona’s session today was a great success with the 11 members who went along today! They would like to say a huge thank you to Fiona, and hope very much that she is willing to do more…..
…..is fast approaching, and it is the last month of our WI year! Are you happy with WI, enjoying all of the different opportunities? Perhaps you have some great ideas on how things could be improved? Can you see a way to make some changes for the better?
Craft afternoon was very industrious and sociable! Thank you all for your company! Our March Craft session will be another Dabble Day! There are lots of lovely items for you to choose from!
Congratulations to Jane Morris who is the proud winner of our Virtual Sports Trophy! A huge thank you to Jacqui and Annette for organising the skittles so efficiently. What a great afternoon!
There are plenty of options for Brixham WI members this week!
WIs across the country are ‘Showing the Love’ - here are a just a small selection of their photos. Join the Unofficial Women’s Institute facebook page - UWI - for lots more information (about the WI and life in general!)and a very friendly online community.
Show the Love - https://www.theclimatecoalition.org/show-the-love
We welcomed four guests and our speaker, John Ashford who very kindly stepped in at the last minute to talk to us about ‘One Man’s Lifeboat’. It was very entertaining and interesting. Lots of us will be looking for the Monkey on Channel 5!
Many events were mentioned, those from DFWI have been emailed to all by Mary Hall. There is interest in line dancing and a mosaic workshop, so we will organise those. There is another Dabble Day full of delightful items to craft on Wednesday 22nd March and a silver pendant and ear rings workshop on Tuesday 28th March. Lynn described the Group meeting on the afternoon of Wednesday 29th March: a Treasure Hunt ending with an afternoon tea. Volunteers are needed to make and serve the afternoon tea, to marshall the treasure hunters and we will need two teams of four to take part in the treasure hunt! Please contact Lynn Asher if you would like to join in! #BrixhamWIontour Lynn also listed some of the theatre events she has been asked to organise: an Agatha Christie type spoof play and Simon and Garfunkel tribute.
The next events to book with her are at the English Riviera Literature Festival held at the Palace Theatre in Paignton: Thursday 16th March, morning “Turning to Crime” a talk by the author Stephanie Austin and /or “Mary Shelley’s Lost Torquay Novel” a talk by Emma Seaman starting at 2 on the same day. Both cost £5 If we fancy doing both, perhaps we might go for lunch somewhere in Paignton? Book Share members have already discussed this!
It is half term week already! How 2023 is whooshing by! Let’s make the most of every day!
Lovely time
at Bookworms in the sun on Wednesday. Welcome to Gail who joined us. Lee child - A wanted man was enjoyed by half the group but a bit far fetched on the story! This month's book 'A thousand splendid suns'. We have space if anyone would like to join us. 2nd Wednesday of the month 11am.Book Share on Thursday, was very much depleted, so we put on a brave effort and had a rather splendid time!
Some of you may be interested to pass on this information to others; it is another great initiative from Yes@theEdge. This session is hosted by Cuttlefish Collective, a continuation of the group which ran the very succesful Fishhawkers project.
Thank you very much to the lovely people who turned up to enjoy a very sociable and fun coffee morning at Lupton House café. Did we cover some topics of conversation today? Oh my! And how! Much praise was given to Fiona’s yoga class last week, with hopes that it will continue.
Our cushions and cotton bags have all been delivered to The Firs, DFWI HQ in Exeter in readiness for the craft stand at Westpoint. Great work from Jill Haslem, Aldene Martin, Loz Blower, Tina Hemmings and Sparks Beattie.
This week’s delights include: