Saturday 30 January 2016

A look back at a Halloween event...

Several Brixham WI members went along to a Halloween event and had a really great evening. Well, we think they were from Brixham..... It was Halloween  night at Churston . Eight members of Brixham W. I. attended  & joined about 20 of Churston W.I. It was held in their village hall, which was decorated with Halloween lantern & ghosts. We had a lady to entertain us with ghost stories & singing. Sandwiches & cake were provided. We were made very welcome & a good night was had by all.    

News from NFWI

Show the Love – Make a heart to wear and share on Valentine’s Day


In the run up to Valentine's Day 2016 we are asking members to hold green heart making workshops, inviting along local politicians and press. The aim is to start a conversation about climate change and share the things that we love that will be affected if we don't act to fight it.

- See more at:

Thursday 28 January 2016

Our New Year Lunch

The Corbyn Head Hotel did us proud today for our lunch! Of course it helped that the weather today was really sunny and bright, so the view across the bay was simply wonderful. The surroundings were warm and very comfortable, the staff friendly and helpful and the food was excellent! It goes without saying that the company was scintillating! Thank you to Mary and the Committee for organising  such a successful day! (I think they undertook the very arduous task of trying it out beforehand, just to check that it would be suitable for us. A tough job, but somebody has to do it!) all of your efforts were worth it and much appreciated by everyone.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

January Craft Group

Despite the absolute downpour of rain which lasted all day, eleven hardy folk turned up (treading carefully in between all of the cats and dogs!) to spend a most sociable and enjoyable afternoon together! There was tea, some bead work and most of us were concentrating very hard on producing some 'shaker' cards. No, not deriving from an American religious group; instead more like a slim snow globe! We were all most impressed by the results, most of us bringing it home to finish off!
Here we are, concentrating hard!

Some members are off very soon the the mega craft fair in Exeter - I hope the weather will be better, and that they will have a good day out - and come back with some great new ideas for us to try! 

Brixham WI begins 2016 with a flourish!

Our meeting was buzzing on Thursday, with plenty of members and a record number of guests, many of whom joined us! Welcome everyone!
There was a wide variety of beautiful handmade craft entries in the competition: won by a simply stunning display of smocking on some gorgeous little dresses. The flowers were really lovely, too. We had a huge range of activities, visits and events described to us for this forthcoming year; sounding very exciting and varied, organised by our committee and by the Devon Federation.
Next month we have a speaker from Rowcroft Hospice and our competitions are to bring a garden flower and to make a hot water bottle cover! Hmmmm......
We have the craft club to look forward to on Tuesday and our New Year lunch at the Corbyn Head Hotel.