Thursday 26 October 2017

It's a Wonderful World

'It's a Wonderful World' is our competition for the Kingswear Cup at our next meeting. 
As it is our only competition, it is hoped that lots of members will enter! 

The idea is to give your personal representation of the title in any medium you prefer: cooking, cake decorating, flower arranging, writing, painting, papercraft, card making, sewing, knitting, any handicraft..... Whatever represents the topic for you.  

It has to be something you have created yourself and not exhibited in any other event! 

Judging will be achieved by voting: as you look at the entries you put a coin in the envelope next to each one. The one with the most coins will win the cup. Very democratic, and no one has the very tricky job of deciding which is the best! 
All the money collected will go to our ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World) pennies for friendship collection.

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Our coffee morning...

.... will be on Tuesday 12th December at the Methodist Community Centre in Fore Street.

Coffee, lovely cakes and some hand made exclusive Christmas decorations on sale! 

Saturday 14 October 2017

2018 Resolutions

It is time to start thinking about the next round of choosing our Resolution. Here is the shortlist:
(As you can see, I've copied and pasted this from a post on the WI Facebook page)

You will be asked to vote on these at our January meeting - which one do you want the WI to support nationally? 

Could Brixham be a town without any disposable coffee cups?

Friday 13 October 2017

Sugar craft comes to Brixham WI!

We had a great day with Deanna, making sugar-craft Christmas scenes with modelling paste.   We started with snowmen and progressed to trees and penguins, and a lot of hilarity was had when snowmen's noses were too big and penguins looked like Uncle Fester.   Everybody had a thoroughly good time.  

Many thanks to Deanna for sharing her expertise. There will be some rather spectacular Christmas cakes in Brixham this year! 

Sunday 1 October 2017

More craft opportunities for us from Dart Bay

  1. Thursday 19th October, 10am - 3.30pm - Playing with Powertex - A fabulous day of playing with fabric hardener, and other mediums to create sculptures and other pieces of intriguing art work...HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. 2 places still available. £25 includes materials, tuition and refreshments, JAX Studios Torquay Town Centre.
  2. CHANGE OF DATE AND VENUE. Now Friday 10th November 10am - 4pm at JAX Studios. Egg crafts for Christmas, only 1 place left 
  3. Friday 1st December, 10am - 3.30pm, A Country Christmas. Our Dart Bay exclusive Christmas extravaganza event. 3 workshops for only £25 for the day, includes all materials and refreshments. Please bring a plate of lunch to share. Only 10 places left. 

If you are interested in any of these days, please ask me to send you the booking form.

This information has just come through from Tracey, the secretary of Dart Bay. (Dart Bay is the Devon Federation of WIs craft and cookery section for our area. To find out more, ask to see the 'Pink Book' which has details of all of the craft sessions across the county.)