Tuesday 27 June 2017

This is a very interesting way to avoid shedding so many microfibres:

As usual, I am unable to include the link in my post here - so you will have to copy the web address into your browser in order to be able to watch the short video. Please do it, it's worth it! 

Saturday 24 June 2017

A very special cream tea!

Seated by the pool, overlooking the sea and enjoying delicious scones and daintily cut sandwiches and cakes! It seems it wasn't quite warm enough to tempt anyone to go for a dip in the pool! 

This is why I chose to join Brixham WI.

Everyone knows that the WI is all about friendship and support, having fun and being open to learning all kinds of new things. Why choose Brixham WI? Well, this knitted Brixham was on display at the Community rooms in town this week and when I first saw it two and a half years ago, it was enough for me, personally, to say "I want to join the bunch of women who would think of knitting their own town!" 
I can highly recommend it! I even knitted one of the buildings! 

Tuesday 20 June 2017

For anyone wanting to do something for the Grenfell Tower tragedy:

The first thing we can do

to start the process against filling the sea with microfibres from our washing machines:

Contact Lakeland and ask them to include "Cora Balls" in their catalogue. Cora Balls are on sale in the USA and they grab the microfibres which are shed from microfibre, polyester, fleece and many more types of fabrics. If lots of us ask Lakeland to stock them, they probably will! 
So, email, ring or write to them! 

Or, if you are in Exeter, go into the shop and ask them! 

Calling anyone who can knit or crochet....

Friday 9 June 2017

Here's more information on the alleviating loneliness issue:

Look at the campaigntoendloneliness.org for more information

Resolutions were both passed!

As I am sure you know by now, both of the resolutions were unanimously passed by the delegates at the NFWI Annual meeting this week. So it's up to us to consider what we can do to help alleviate loneliness and reduce the amount of microfibres polluting the sea. 
Here is a useful short film which explains the microfibre problem - ( you will have to type the address into your web browser, as I couldn't make the link work from here! Sorry!)