Tuesday 26 February 2019


A dozen of us got together to make some green hearts for climate change today. Thanks to Beryl for remembering to bring some tea bags and to Sue for going off to get some milk! We miss you Barbara!

Everyone was concentrating very hard on their hearts:

Although they did really enjoy the afternoon (#hardtaskmaster!)

Friday 22 February 2019

Some photos from our meeting

We were so engrossed in our speaker’s talk about her Life in Stitches, that none of us took any photos! Such a pity as she brought such gorgeous examples of crochet, quilting, embroidery, sketching and printing! We’ll try harder next time!
Here is our Woman of the year:

And our winner of the Flower competition vase trophy

February Meeting in Stitches!

Brixham WI Meeting  21 February 2019

We met in the Danny Room at the Rugby Club this month and there was a great turn-out of members, new members and visitors. Mary welcomed members and lead us in singing Jerusalem.  We then had a minutes silence for Lillian Crockett.

Angela Richardson gave an inspiring talk on her work towards her degree in Textile Design  and passed round beautiful samples of her work. She explained the thoughts behind the creation of the Fish-hawkers aprons and the work and processes involved.

After tea we did  exercises with Val.
Apologies – Wendy C, Miranda

Craft – Sparks also pointed out the Japanese paper flowers made last craft Tuesday and told us about the Green Hearts for Climate change next Tuesday.  You can make material hearts (materials supplied), or bring a pebble to decorate.
D-Day celebrations are being planned in Brixham and the WI are invited to take part. Mary and Sparks will find out more.

Secretary – Tina thanked members for their generosity on Red Box donations and reminded about collection of bras and new knickers in March for Smalls For All.  Tina asked for any recommendations for the NFWI vote. The What’s On board was promoted.

President – Mary welcomed back any new returning members and went onto the following topics.  
Cancelled Gold Foil workshop  maybe rebooked for later in the year.
Spring Council meeting Saturday 27th April now open to friends and family. Mary called for a volunteer to go as our delegate which means your ticket will be paid for. You will be asked to give the meeting a report in May.
There was a workshop in organised by Dart Bay in Kingskerswell to make a textured silver ring with a small gem stone for £22. Unfortunately this was booked up very quickly. However if there is enough interest another one could be arranged.  We had a show of hands – there were about 15 people interested and we might be able to open this up for other clubs.
Mary has made enquiries about a stained glass workshop, and we could arrange one for £20 for 20 people to make a fairly large item.  There was a good show of hands so this looked viable.
This month is when we vote for our WI Member of the year, the member you feel has done a lot for our WI or been especially kind. Papers were handed out.
Brixham Belles have been asked to entertain at the April meeting, prior to the Annual Meeting.
Flower competition of the year winner for 2018 was Marilyn.
Sue Martin was voted Member of the Year.
Monies were collected for Ladies Lunch, Galmpton and Churston afternoon tea and for Wet Felting workshop.
Margery suggested that for busy meetings we hire someone to do the washing up, so that tea ladies do not miss the business.
Marilyn thanked us for the large selection of flowers. This month's winners were 1st Ellie, 2nd Marilyn 3rd Penny.
Ann Parker gave us Thought of the Month.

Monday 4 February 2019

Friday 1 February 2019

Green Hearts for Climate Change - Show the Love


S H O W T H E L O V E 2 0 1 9 : 5 T H T O 2 3 R D F E B R UA R Y

Climate change impacts many of the things we love - from our back gardens to local woodland, from football pitches to beaches, from farms to fields. We’re starting to notice the changes right here on our doorsteps, with snap frosts in spring and the joint highest summer temperatures in UK history. But a future where the UK no longer contributes to climate change is within reach, and it’s not too late to leave a legacy we can be proud of for future generations.

Over the past 4 years, hundreds of thousands of people have made and shared green hearts to Show The Love for all that they want to protect from climate change.

But what has it all added up to and what have the conversations you started about climate change led decision makers to do? We hope what you’ve helped us to achieve so far will inspire you to do it all again this coming year and take a challenge to help us reach a future where the UK no longer contributes to climate change.
S H O W T HE L O V E . O R G . U K # S H O W TH E L O V E