Tuesday 29 September 2020

WI Walks have begun!

 Thanks to Annie for the đŸ’¡brilliant idea! 

Twelve of our members were invited to walk this morning; one group went to walk along the breakwater and the others to Fishcombe Cove. Both ending up with a cup of coffee! Fabulous company, a spot of exercise and a really great time! 

Don’t wait to be invited! Use your WI contact list and invite five others to join you on a walk! Get to know someone new! 

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Friday 18 September 2020

Our walking group

 Following Annie’s suggestion, we are starting a walking group! The first six members (including Annie, of course!) will enjoy an inaugural walk on 29th September! We may feel inclined to have a coffee as well..... who knows! 

Please let me know if you would like to take part. 

Saturday 12 September 2020

Our Book Club is growing!

 Currently we are reading ‘Not Quite Nice’ by Celia Imrie and we will meet on the second Thursday of the month to discuss it. Next meeting 8th October, 2pm. 

Obviously at the moment only six of us will be able to meet together. We have five members at the moment, so if you would like to join us, say so quickly! 

Of course, we could hold zoom meetings if more of our members wish to join in! 

Let me know! 

Thursday 10 September 2020

Denman at Home: Faux Caligraphy


Faux calligraphy is different from real calligraphy because instead of using a special pen with a broad nib, as used for Italic handwriting, you simply use a biro, gel pen, paint brush..... whatever you like, and you make great use of colour to decorate. Also glitter and whatever embellishments you like! Here is my first effort! 

Devon Birds of Prey Centre visit

 Four of us (plus some husbands) went along to the Centre, which is conveniently situated right next to Fermoy’s Garden Centre, this afternoon. Our first WI event, pretty much the only one we have managed to  achieve from our 2020 programme! The weather was glorious, there were, maybe ten other people there, so for those of you who were frightened about having to mingle with others, your fears were unfounded! No-one came close to anyone else at all. This is not to mention how close the birds came! The barn owl, first of the display birds to fly, brushed past my shoulder and then my knees! The eagle owl seemed to prefer walking about rather than flying, and he hopped within 9” of my feet! They also landed on the benches, quite close to where we were sitting! It was a fabulous experience, and is well worth a visit! 

We dropped in to sample the delicious tea and cakes at Fermoys afterwards

Macmillan Coffee Morning - al fresco

Margaret Thomas has invited us all to her al fresco Macmillan coffee morning 

on Wednesday 16th Sept 10 am - 12 noon. 

She is persuading her neighbours to have six people each on the lawn or pavement outside of their house, so that it isn’t a large gathering!  If you wish, bring your own chair & cup. (Also hand sanitiser etc) She is providing coffee and biscuits for a £3 donation to Macmillan.  

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Book Club inaugural meeting!

 Jayne and Sparks met  today in Jayne’s garden.

Just spent a happy informal hour talking about books, including one entitled Wild, by Kirsten Hannah. An interesting book which led to a discussion on some of life’s dilemmas and how authors manage to do their research. If anyone would like to read it I have a copy.

We are reading ‘Not Quite Nice’ by Celia Imrie the actress. We will meet next month (Tuesday 13th October, 2pm) to share the pleasure or otherwise we get from reading it and exchange details of other books we read.
All quite relaxed, not everyone likes the same books but it is fun learning about someone else’s like and dislikes. If anyone would like to join us next month let me or Sparks know.
Social distancing is observed

Bowling, anyone?

 Jane Morris, our WI member and the Ladies Captain at St Mary’s Bowls Club, has kindly invited us to go along to their open day on Saturday 19th September from 10 am. 

The folk who went last year had a great time, so give it a try! 

Monday 7 September 2020

Committee Meeting in the rain!

 Are we all feeling ok? Full quota of marbles all round? 

We talked about a lot of WI business, enjoyed a good cup of tea and a delicious cake - thank you, Mary! 

Teddy Bear’s Picnic, anyone?

 Look at what Beryl has been up to! Oh my goodness! This is fantastic!

Plates! Glasses of milk and a straw for everyone! 

Just look at the sandwiches, the victoria sponge cake, the chocolate swiss roll......