Thursday 27 February 2020

Ladies who Lunch

What a fabulous day it was to go over to Fermoys garden centre for a delicious lunch - and all organised for us by Mavis! A big thank you to Mavis for doing all of the arranging, we all appreciated it.
The venue is really rather fabulous - lots of wonderful plants and a superb range of irresistible items in the shop. The restaurant staff were extremely helpful and friendly, the food was very good and, of course, the company was top notch! What else would you expect?
Sorry, too busy eating and chatting to take any photos - you will have to come along next time!

Tuesday 25 February 2020

Fabulous and friendly afternoon!

Barbara very patiently showed us how to make some very pretty braids this afternoon. We were engrossed! What a lovely time!

Sunday 23 February 2020

Record of our February meeting

Brixham WI Meeting – 20/02/2020
 Once again Ellie led us in a hearty rendition of Jerusalem, with the additional (and lower) dulcet tones of our guest Warwick Saunders.
 Apologies were received from Sparks, Jill Haslam, Margaret S (of whom more later).
 The session was buzzing from the outset, with friends catching up, boards to sign, and a busy What’s On board to check.

 Mary kindly took over the reigns in Sparks’ absence (thank you Mary!) and welcomed visitors and members new and old, to the meeting and introduced our guest speaker, Warwick Saunders from the Cleaner Coast Initiative.

Warwick highlighted the problems we face in this age of plastic, but it was reassuring that here in Torbay, the community is pulling together to address these issues.  He reported that at the last beach clean, over one hundred volunteers presented themselves, rather than the anticipated 50. Headline figures included:

80kg of lead angling weights retrieved in two dives in just one day
6000kg of debris has been recovered in only 2 years
35 tonnes of fishing nets have been sent to Denmark for recycling

The Cleaner Coast Initiative sits under the umbrella of the Keep Britain Tidy campaign, amongst others, and as Barbara Lawrence reminded us, Keep Britain Tidy was a WI resolution in 1954 that brought about one of our most significant initiatives.  This resolution called for a campaign to ‘preserve the countryside against desecration by litter,’ and subsequently led to the formation of the Keep Britain Tidy group.
Exercises – following concerns raised by Val, and other members, it has been decided to suspend the exercise sessions for the time being.  With so many new members and visitors, the lack of space is becoming a health and safety issue.
Member of the Year – is Ann Parker who was presented with a silver tray in recognition of the huge contribution that she makes to the group.  Thank you, Ann – well deserved!

Treasurer’s Report

Tina reported the current balance which, together with yet more new membership fees, leaves us in a very healthy position with which to start the new financial year, when Tina closes the books on 29th February.

Tina also reminded everyone of the need to sign the Data Protection form.

 Ladies Who Lunch – Fermoys garden centre Thursday 27th February.  Please arrange your own transport.
 Spring Council Meeting – 22nd April.  We are looking for a volunteer delegate.  £14.00. Coach from The Manor, Galmpton £8.00 departing 8.30 a.m.
 Enamelling Workshop – 23rd April.  The morning session is now fully booked, with 5 places left on the afternoon session 1.30 – 4.30.  
 Bowling Afternoon – on a date to be confirmed in June (2nd – 19th) at St Mary’s Bowls Club.
 VE Day Celebrations – fashion shows on 8th and 9th May.  Galmpton and Stoke Gabriel WIs are invited to join us. We have also been asked to do a third fashion show at the Devon County Show on 22nd May, subject to further details.
 VE Day Reception – Scala Hall – members have been invited to attend this, and to walk in the parade earlier in the day (8th May).  Mary will bring copies of the full VE Day programme to the next meeting. There are also 10 tickets reserved for Brixham WI to attend the afternoon tea dance - £10.00 pp.
 The theme of this year’s Kingswear Cup competition will be “Through the Looking Glass”.  Entries on this subject can be in any medium – poetry, baking, painting, embroidery, knitting, papercraft – let your imagination run riot!
 Tuesday Craft/Social – 25th February 2.00 at the Rugby Club. If you’d like to try your hand at Kumihimo Braiding, please bring wool and scissors or, if not, why not join us for a chat and a cup of tea – or bring knitting, sewing, scrabble – whatever you fancy!

Flower Competition – judged this month by our guest, Warwick Saunders, was won by Barbara Ashton with her beautiful Christmas Rose.

Raffle prizes were won by Lorna, Jan, Virginia, Jane, and Patsy

Ann Parker gave us an update on Margaret’s health following her knee replacement surgery.  The president’s flowers – a beautiful spring arrangement by Beryl (thank you Beryl), will be sent to Margaret with our love and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Thought for the month to end the meeting.  Julie quoted Helen Keller: “Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light” and on the theme of friendship, read us a beautiful poem by Elizabeth Jennings:
Such love I cannot analyse;
It does not rest in lips or eyes,
Neither in kisses nor caress.
Partly, I know, it’s gentleness
And understanding in one word
Or in brief letters. It’s preserved
By trust and by respect and awe.
These are the words I’m feeling for.
Two people, yes, two lasting friends.
The giving comes, the taking ends
There is no measure for such things.
For this all Nature slows and sings

Wednesday 5 February 2020

Thinking of visiting Denman College?

Why not apply for a bursary from Devon County Federation of WIs?
DFWI is lucky to have a number of Bursaries available to Members that are awarded at our Spring Council Meeting. Some are Annual, some are Biennial and some are Triennial! All are to be used at Denman
Annual Bursaries
Rhoda Lee Bursary - Literary/writing course only (£250)
Doreen Swell Bursary - music related course only (£300) (Only members who have not previously attended a Denman course may apply.
Molly Nosworthy - any craft related course (£200)
If Members would like to apply for the above Bursaries, please send an application to The Firs no later than Friday 3rd April with a brief paragraph explaining why you wish to apply and for which specific courses
Ashburton - Awarded every year as a gift from the Institute (£200)
Joan Rodd -(£200)
Biennial Bursaries due in 2020
Florence Maisie Smith -music bursary (£200)
Members do not need to apply for the last two Bursaries - WI names are automatically put into a draw.