Wednesday 30 October 2019

Group Meeting

Eight Brixham WI members went along to our group meeting in Stoke Gabriel yesterday for a delicious ploughman’s lunch, followed by a Halloween muffin. The speaker is the grandson of the couple who created Muffin the Mule, and he is working to bring Muffin and his friends back! He showed us the original puppets used by his grandparents, and, in fact, he still uses some of them! There were some very interesting Childhood Memories entered into the competition, and a marvellous raffle. A very sociable afternoon! Thank you, Stoke Gabriel WI!

Thursday 24 October 2019

Devon Federation Autumn Meeting

There was a full house at the meeting yesterday, held in a lovely, light and spacious venue in Bideford. There were some great crafts on display and for sale, along with delectable cakes and preserves. Several of the 100 year old WIs had put up some very interesting stands depicting their own history. Members always used to wear a hat to meetings! OK if you are sitting in the front row, I suppose! Still, it gave a certain presence and atmosphere to the meetings, not to mention helping to keep warm when village halls maybe weren’t so well heated. 
I was very interested to spot someone knitting throughout the meeting! She was using cocktail sticks, so there was no noise, and she almost finished a teeny tiny sock! Old photos of WI meetings showed members knitting during the proceedings, so yesterday’s knitter was remaining true to our heritage! 

Our first speaker told us all about the Silver Greyhounds.... which turned out to be the Queen’s Messengers! As far as they know, this was instigated by King John in 1100s, and King Charles II is responsible for the name. He had a bowl decorated with silver greyhounds, and when sending his first messenger, he broke off one of the silver greyhounds to be carried with the messages, so that the recipient would be certain of their authenticity. 

Plans for the Devon Federation centenary: the Spring Council Meeting is on 22 April in the Great Hall in Exeter, with the original Calendar Girl as speaker. The actual date of the 100th Birthday is 14th June, and the plan is for WI Groups across the County will get together to celebrate. Kingswear Group (that’s us!) are making plans, so save the date! On 8th July Blundell’s School in Tiverton has been booked for a day of activities, fun and ending with a fabulous (cream first!) cream tea in an attempt to make a new Guinness World record for people eating a cream tea altogether! They are planning for 2,000! Another important date for your diary!

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Tuesday Social Afternoon

It was a great success (despite someone forgetting to bring any milk.... one or two people were introduced to black tea for the first time, so well done the WI for offering new experiences!). Virginia gave us an excellent demonstration and then lots of help to make some very pretty little gift boxes for Christmas. (Sorry about using that word already in October) We will be selling some of these on our craft table at our Christmas (there is it again) coffee morning on December 14th.
We enjoyed a good laugh, learned a new skill and for some a new taste as well as some chocolate cake! What is not to like? #welovetheWI

Monday 21 October 2019

The Flowers...

....from this month’s meeting were sent to Pat. Here is a message from her:
Please give my thanks to all for the lovely flowers which Sue Francis has just brought round. They are much appreciated. I am recovering well after op and hope to be at the next meeting. 


Saturday 19 October 2019

Here are the resolutions which have been passed for our selection in January

More information about each of these resolutions will be published in the next issue of WI Life. You will also find out more on 
Individual members, usually with the help of their own WIs, can put forward resolutions to their County Federation. Assistance and advice is given at this point if necessary, and then it is sent on to the National Federation level. At the National Autumn Council meeting - attended by all County Chairs and Treasurers, the resolutions are discussed so that a short list can be made. This short list is what we have here, ready for every individual member to make their own choice in January. In January every member is asked to vote on the resolution they wish to see presented at the National Annual Meeting in June. Experts are brought in to that meeting to present both sides of the resolution, for and against. Our delegates at that meeting will vote whether or not to pass the resolution.
So! Read and consider! Find out what you can so that you will make an informed decision when you place your vote in January!

Friday 18 October 2019

Record of our October Meeting

Brixham WI Meeting – 18 July 2019

Sparks welcomed everyone to the meeting and yet again, it was a full house.

Apologies were received from Barbara L, Jane Morris, Jill Haslam, Mary Hill, Mary Constance, Miranda Gateshill, Sally Carter.

After a rousing chorus of Jerusalem, led in fine voice by Ellie, we were treated to a very interesting and, at times, emotional talk on the work of Dr Thomas John Barnardo by Mo Harris.  She also spoke of her own connection to his story.  Sparks gave a vote of thanks on our behalf and Barbara A made a collection on behalf of Barnardo’s.

After tea and biscuits, Val led us in the exercise session which everyone enjoyed enormously.


Sparks apologised for the absence of notes from the last meeting but reminded those of us who have computers to follow the blog and the Facebook page to keep up with all the news.


We received a huge thank you from our Uffculme friends who visited last month.  They thoroughly enjoyed the meeting.

Also, Mary has received a heartfelt thank you from Storybook Dads who visited us in July.  They were delighted, not only with the £40 donation but also with the surprise £49.75 which was entirely down to Barbara A – our star collector – who took the box around the room.  Thank you, Barbara.

Forthcoming Events

Sparks reminded us that there were lots of boards to sign up to, and moneys to pay.

21st October
Stained Glass Workshop – this is now full

22nd October, 2.00 – 4.00
Tuesday Social Group.  Virginia will show us how to make gift boxes so if you’d like to have a go, please bring board, scissors, pencil, ruler, craft mat, a Pritt stick and a mug for your tea.  Don’t worry if you haven’t got any of these, we always have loads of bits you can borrow.  If crafting isn’t your thing, why not bring your knitting, or have a game of cards or scrabble.  It’s a good opportunity for a cuppa and a chinwag.

29th October, 12.00
Group Meeting (with Stoke Gabriel, Galmpton, Paignton WIs).
Tickets are on sale for £5.  The speaker’s topic is Muffin the Mule and the competition is “A Childhood Memory”

Saturday 9th November 12 - 2  Ipplepen Village Hall
Soup and Sweet.
£6.00 pay on the day

Sunday 10th November, 10.15, Remembrance Service
Meet at the bottom of the steps by the Captain’s Cabin kiosk on the harbour
Please join us

Wednesday 13th November, 10.30, Making Posies
Meet at Sparks’ house, 16 Lower Rea Road, Brixham
Flowers will be provided but please bring along anything that you have in your garden

Thursday 14th November, 2 pm at the Rugby Club. Beading Workshop
Tina from Yes@the Edge will show us how to make beaded Christmas decorations
£2.00 to cover cost of materials

Wednesday 20th November, 10.30 am until approx 9 pm Coach Trip to Truro
Meet in the rugby club car park

Thursday 21st November, 2.00 Next Month’s Meeting
Competition Day – the theme is “Over the Rainbow”
Please bring along your entries – a poem, a cake, embroidery, knitting, a photo?  The choice is yours!

Tuesday 3rd December, Christmas Lunch,
12.30 for 1 o’clock at the Paignton Club
£18.50 - Please pay at the November meeting and check your menu choices

Thursday 5th December, 2.30 Group Carol Service (with Stoke Gabriel, Galmpton & Paignton)
Brixham Methodist Church, Fore Street
Followed by mince pies at the community centre £2.00

Saturday 14th December 10.00 – 12.00 Christmas Coffee Morning
Christian Community Centre, Fore Street, Brixham
We’ll need lots of help with various tasks – kitchen, waiting at tables etc
Please sign up on the board at next month’s meeting

Events planned for 2020

Ladies Who Lunch – Mavis is organising a lunchtime get-together in February – watch this space!

Plymouth Synagogue plus a tour of the gin factory (optional).  Please sign up if you’re interested so that we can gauge how many of us would like to go along.  No commitment at this stage.

Thought for the Month

A lovely quote from Anita:

“Yesterday was the past. Tomorrow is the future. Today is a gift, that why it's called the present.”

Thank you!

Flower Competition

Jill Daw
Tina Hemmings
Anne Parker


Lots of lovely prizes – thanks to Sue for organising this

President’s Flowers

To Pat Beaton who is recovering from hip replacement surgery
And finally:
A big thank you from Barbara A. for all the help and support you have given during her recent health issues.

Thursday 17 October 2019

October Institute Meeting

We had a great meeting! Lots of lovely new guests! Loads of friendly chat going on! Hundreds of events and workshops to sign up for! I can’t believe how much ground we managed to cover! Perhaps it is all down to Val leading us in some fun and fabulous exercises?
What an amazing speaker, too! Mo Harris told us all about Thomas John Barnardo and then her own life which was influenced powerfully by her spending some of her childhood there.
Sorry, no photos! We were all too busy!

Back to our roots!