Thursday 24 March 2022

Thursday Afternoon Murder Club

 We had a very sociable time this afternoon at Miss Jones’ lovely café today! A very wide and varied range of topics were discussed! We have planned to purchase an actual Murder Mystery game which we will play on the afternoon of Thursday 28th April. 

More information will be available when we have it! If you are interested in having some fun and doing something a bit different, save the date! 

This message speaks loud and clear to those of us who have family or friends who deal with depression and anxiety

 Sertraline- Zoloft

Venlafaxine- Effexor
Citalopram- Celexa
Fluoxetine- Prozac
Duloxetine- Cymbalta
Seroquel- Quetiapine
Lamictal- Lamotrigine
Lexapro- Escitalopram
Wellbutrin- Bupropion
Lorazepam- Ativan
Klonopin- Clonazepam
You may know what these tablets are or know a loved one who takes them, but in case you don't, I will fill you in. That medication allows people to deal with a normal day to day life. Although most days it leaves them tired, spaced out, emotionless, or even super emotional.
Crazy right? Why would anyone want to feel like that?
Well this is why!!
You see, some people suffer from severe depression and anxiety.
In their brain it doesn't sit right, something seems different. They notice little differences that other people wouldn't. Most days they wake up sick and feel sleepless.
They consistently overthink every situation.
Was a comment about them; was it a joke?
Was that person supposed to laugh?
Or did they mean it?
Are they being nice?
Are they talking about them?
Do they talk about them?
They then think, I bet they don’t like me really.
They say sorry all the time. They feel like they annoy everyone.
And for all those questions they will spend hours trying to answer. Let it all build up in their mind, until it sends them to tears...... it's mental that they see things that way.
It's not only mental changes, but physical changes. They don't eat a lot or they eat way too much. Insomnia, up all night answering questions to situations that don't even exist, or sleep too much and waste half their day still feeling tired.
They still smile and they have every excuse for when you ask why.
But the tablets can help them. Because they know when they start to feel this way or think this way, they need help.
They know that when their behavior starts to change, They need guidance. And they understand that they don't need to be ashamed. They don't need to be understood. They just need to be accepted. Everyone is fighting a battle and sometimes you need to be kinder.
So I may just be another person who's talking about mental health....
Living with this illness is hard, but trying to understand it, is even harder. It’s also 100 times harder if they have another condition on top of this.
Don't suffer in silence.

Mental health is just as important as physical health.
Be part of the healing.
Be understanding.
Be kind.🖤💜

Something else very interesting here from Denman at Home

An online talk on church eccentricities! Apparently one church had a congregation made of cardboard cutouts! #somethingforeveryone! 


 Today it was really as if we were swimming out across the bay to Torquay! Not just one, but two splashy men were flogging up and down! Thoughts were of Jean, probably swimming at the same time under a warm sun, much further south! 

Wednesday 23 March 2022

Craft Afternoon.

 Barbara showed us how to make cards using ribbons and some bling! Lots of concentrating, and it was surprisingly quiet! Thank you Pat for making the tea, and thank you Barbara for bringing all the materials and organising it all. 

Plenty of Activities going on in Brixham!


Jewellery making workshop

 Are you interested in macramé? This might be just the thing!

Monday 21 March 2022

Kingswear Group Meeting 17th May

 Stoke Gabriel WI would like to invite ten Brixham WI members to join them for a Kingswear group meeting in Stoke Gabriel on 17th May 2022. This will be rather different to their offerings in the past as it includes a walk, a talk, and then a buffet lunch in the Church House Inn. Parking will be in the Church House Inn carpark, opposite the Castle pub. This is gated, but the pub supplies tokens to those who are visiting them, which gives free exit.

“We plan to meet in that carpark at 10.30am, from where a member of our committee, Denise Harvie, will lead a guided tour of certain historical parts of the village, before returning to the Church for a talk about it, by our very knowledgeable verger, Norman Betts. Norman is of a line of vergers, whose family have held the position for 400 years! Following his talk, at about 1pm, we will all walk on to the Church House Inn, which will be opening specially for us and are laying on a buffet lunch. The cost of the whole event is £6, which covers the buffet.

Denise has stressed that you do not have to join the walk if you don't want to, but she will need to know if this is the case. Please also let us know if anyone has any special dietary requirements.”

Please let me know immediately if you would like to take part. If we have more than ten names on our list, we will draw names out of a hat!

Monday Walk


Gail, Mary W, Wendy C, Sue E and I enjoyed a very lovely walk this morning. We didn’t catch the bus out, walking instead to Lupton House, with the intention of having a coffee in the café there. When we saw that it is closed on Mondays, we opted instead to catch the bus back to Brixham and have coffee at the Bay café. Very good it was, too! What a wonderful way to spend a Monday morning, in excellent company, thank you! 

April 9th event


Mark the date...9th April St Mathias Church Hall in Wellswood Torquay we will hold a Craft Items Sale. £2 entry which also gives you a drink. Come along and visit us 10am.. 2pm. Raffle prize every hour.

Sunday 20 March 2022

This week #BrixhamWIontour

 What do we have for your enjoyment this week, Brixham wI members?

Monday: meet to catch the 10.30 bus. Possibly a walk starting in Babbacombe? I think this was discussed…?
Tuesday: 10.30 meet at the Man and Boy statue for a Brixham walk
Wednesday: 2 - 4 pm Craft - ribbon iris folding
Thursday: 8.30 am swim at the Admiral Pool
2pm meet for our Thursday Afternoon Murder Club
Friday: 10.30 am meet at The Berry Head Hotel for coffee

Thursday 17 March 2022

From the What’s On folder:

March Institute Meeting

 Well, what a great meeting, despite lots of last-minute changes to our arrangements due to Covid striking both the venue and the planned speaker.  St Mary’s Bowls Club came up trumps and we were able to use their clubhouse and all the facilities, so huge thank you to Jane Morris and Mary Hall for making the arrangements and organising everything so well.


With open doors and windows for extra ventilation, we gave Jerusalem our all (through face masks of course) then listened to Lindsey Williams who told us all about Guide Dogs and their training. She was ably assisted by Labradors Gromit, Quarry and especially Legend, who kept us all entertained with his antics while she was trying to speak.  Huge thanks too to Jayne Stone who arranged this at the eleventh hour when our original speaker had to cancel due to Covid.

Please remember that membership fees need to be paid by 1st April also that the Committee membership will be changing from then, so anyone interested in joining the Committee can contact Sparks for more information.

This year’s NFWI Resolution is Women and Girls with ASD & ADHD - under-identified, under-diagnosed, misdiagnosed, under-supported.  We will be voting on this next month, but to give us something to think about, Sparks read us a very moving description of the condition written by her niece which will help members make up their own minds about supporting the resolution. 

There was lots of information about upcoming craft opportunities and details of all these events will be posted online.  To celebrate Brixham WI’s 50thAnniversary, Barbara has also been in touch with Pride in Brixham to offer a commemorative tree and asks members for photographs and memories of their first meeting, all to be displayed at the birthday party in May.

The flower competition was won by Ann’s camellia, with Tina’s Hellibore in second place and Jayne’s droopy tulip in third!  Raffle prizes were won by Trish (beginner’s luck!), Sue M, Virginia, Sue E and Sheila.  Next month we will be voting for “Woman of the Year” so have a think about who you would like to nominate and finally, Jill’s Thought of the Month reminded us that in this mad world we should be grateful for our blessings “Live your life and have no regrets

Wednesday 16 March 2022

 Thank you to the really lovely Brixham WI members who came along to our meeting today! As usual, lots of people did all sorts of things to make it work! A big thank you to Jane Morris and Mary H for making us so welcome, and pulling out all the stops to help. What a great speaker and friends, too! An excellent afternoon!

Tuesday 15 March 2022



Yvonne L, Jean, Mandy, Gail, Wendy M and Sue E
We enjoyed a lovely walk along the breakwater together and a good cup of coffee to finish! Lovely company, thank you, everyone! 

Monday 14 March 2022

 Wednesday’s meeting will be held at St Mary’s Park Bowls Club.

Busy Monday!

 Such a fabulous walk this morning! We ended at the Redcliffe Hotel, on the terrace enjoying a very good cup of coffee. Great company and gorgeous weather! Thank you! Sue England Jean Bartlett and also to Tina Hemmings who joined us for the last leg.

Sew Mondays was very relaxing and calming as we all sat and stitched together! First we chose and planned the fabrics to use in making the quilted cover on April 6th with Virginia. A really enjoyable afternoon, thank you for your company, Sue CY,  Jill H, Julie M and Tina. 

Sunday 13 March 2022

 Welcome to Winnie, knitted by Caroline Harris! Isn’t he cute?

This coming week for Brixham WI members is going to be another very interesting one!
Monday 10.30 meet at the bus station for a walk
2pm Sew Mondays
Tuesday: 10.30 meet at the Man and Boy statue for a walk (shorter one than on Monday!)
Wednesday: 2.15 Institute meeting at the Cricket Club
Thursday: 8.30am swim at the Admiral Pool
Friday: 10.30 meet for coffee at the Berry Head Hotel

Friday 11 March 2022

Outdoor sketching

 This looks very interesting, and there is time to book a place!

May be an image of 5 people, outdoors and text that says 'COMBINED ARTS COMMITTEE invite you to: OUTDOOR SKETCHING -SOME IDEAS Devon based artist Mike McDonald ( expertise to members, so we invite would-be Monets to come and join us on- is offering his Thursday 7thAPRIL 2022 at Longdown Village Hall EX6 7SN £19.50 per person Mike will demonstrate some outdoor sketching techniques, and you will be able to add colour to your masterpieces. For more details message us or contact Closing date for applications is Monday 28th March 2022'

Thursday 10 March 2022

2022 Resolution

Here is some more information about this year’s resolution. We have to decide whether we want the WI to support it. This poster is from my niece, who has lots of information on the subject of women and ADHD. Please read carefully and consider.
May be an image of text that says 'ADHD What people see restlessness trouble focusing What people don't see difficulty sustaining motivation depression difficulty planning and organizing mental restlessness low self esteem poor sense of time and time management difficulty prioritizing impulsivity slow cognitive processing speed difficulty initializing tasks and maintaining effort rejection sensitive dysphoria anxiety low tolerance to frustration sensory processing disorder disorganization mood swings hyperfixations and hyperfocus neurotransmiters deficit (dopamine and norepinephrine) sleep problems difficulty maintaining relationships and jobs poor working memory difficulty regulating emotions forgetfulness executive dysfunction'