Tuesday 29 March 2016

Our coffee morning is coming up!

Next Tuesday, 5th April at the Methodist Community Rooms - WI members please come along with cakes to sell and lovely items of bric a brac! 
Everyone else : you will be made very welcome! Come and sample our delicious home made cakes! 

Great news from Devon for ACWW!

Devon WI added a new photo.
9 hrs
Devon WI's photo.

Saturday 26 March 2016

The Queen

Tune in to ITV1 tomorrow evening at 8pm to see HM The Queen attending #theWI_100years Annual Meeting at the Royal Albert Hall and meeting with some of the WI members who attended #Queenat90

New from our County Chair

Header Chairnan Message Board

Chairman's Message Board - April 2016

Farewell to Susie
After only a short time with us, Susie Peat our Federation Secretary has decided to leave. We are sorry to see her go and wish her well for the future. We are currently advertising for a new Federation Secretary. Please contact the Office for further information if you or anyone you know, might be interested in applying for the position.  

Federation Quiz winners 
The Quiz final was held at Clyst St Mary Village Hall on Saturday March 19th and I am pleased to be able to announce the winners were:  
1st Aylesbeare WI, 2nd North Tawton WI, Joint 3rd Chudleigh and Wellswood WIs. 

An enjoyable afternoon was had by all and a delicious tea was supplied by the Catering committee. Our thanks to Margaret Craig and the International and Public Affairs Subcommittee for organising the Quiz this year and thanks to all WIs who helped with organisation and catering in the Area rounds last month.
2016 Annual Meeting Resolutions
The Public Affairs Team at NFWI have produced a range of resources to support WI discussions of the two resolutions which will be taken forward to Brighton on 11th June. These include, detailed briefing notes, online quizzes, power point presentations etc. These are all available for downloading from the NFWI website. 

There will also be some Social Media Q&A sessions which you can access via Twitter using the #WIresolutions or by posting on the Women's Institute Facebook page on 7th April 3pm and 6pm, 20th April 3pm and 6pm or 4th May 3pm and 6pm.

Moodle – Digital Storytelling
Val Andrews (Head of NFWI Unit) has informed us that the Training Committee of the NFWI have developed a new interactive course for the Moodle on how to create your own Digital Story. A digital story is like a talking scrapbook and can be shared in all sorts of ways with friends and family; in exhibitions; in presentations and online. Perfect for your WI or Federation Celebrations. Please go to http://.witraining.org.uk/ for more information.

This ties in nicely with the NFWI Science and Leisure Committee competition - Elizabeth Bell Challenge 2016 'To create a Digital Story' WIs are challenged to 'Create a digital story showing the impact that the WI has had on their community'. All entries must be judged in the first instance at Federation level. Closing date to Federation - 25th October 2016. Contact the Federation office for further information and entry forms. 

Bake a cake to celebrate the Queen's 90th Birthday
We have been invited to join the Diocese of Exeter's celebration of the Queen's birthday by participating in a cake competition on Saturday 11th June 2016 at Exeter Cathedral. The Diocese are organising an event called UPLOAD which they hope will attract over 1000 young people from across the South West. They have invited members of the Devon Federation to make and decorate at least 90 cakes for a display which will then be judged by the Bishops of Exeter and Crediton and some young people and the cakes will then be eaten. 

The competition is open to all members and details of how to register your interest is provided in the enclosure in this month's mailout. This is your chance to show off your baking and decorating skills!  
Please note, this event will take place on the same day as our Annual Meeting at Brighton. 

If you are interested in any of the above and would like to put your name forward or would like more information please contact me in the first instance, unless specified otherwise. 
Julie Ayre, County Chairman

- See more at: https://www.thewi.org.uk/become-a-member/structure-of-the-wi/england/devon/chairmans-message-board#sthash.9RH4dFG9.dpuf

Monday 21 March 2016

News from NFWI about the resolutions

Resolutions 2016

We have produced a range of resources to help support your WI discussion about the two resolutions this year. You can find them on the website here:


The two resolutions selected to go forward to the Annual Meeting are:

Avoid food waste, address food poverty
'The WI calls on all supermarkets to sign up to a voluntary agreement to avoid food waste, thereby passing surplus food on to charities thus helping to address the issue of increasing food poverty in the UK.'

Appropriate care in hospitals for people with dementia
'We call upon HM Government and the NHS to provide facilities to enable carers to stay with people with Alzheimer's disease and dementia that have been admitted into hospital.

Friday 18 March 2016

Lots of Lovely Craft opportunities from Dart Bay

 We look forward to seeing you at the Spring Council Meeting in Torquay in April, where you can see some of the lovely items our members have made with us over the past year. Here's to another happy and successful year.
Tracy Johnson
DART BAY Foods, Crafts & Skills WI Area

DART-BAY Food, Crafts & Skills -  EVENTS  – 2016-2017

 (All events are first come- first served, have limited places and must be booked with usual booking forms)


2016 events:- 

Thursday 17 March 2016

It's true! Clotted cream every day is good for you!

At our meeting today we heard all about Agatha Christie's early life, and the attitudes and customs of that era. It was fascinating, and our speaker, Mrs Joan Nott had a wealth of knowledge to impart. We learned that Agatha Christie was very fond of cream, and usually drank or ate some every day; yet she lived until she was 85!
Lots of members joined in the fun by wearing their Agatha hats, so we looked very well turned out indeed! 
Here is Barbara, our Member of the Year, chosen today. 
We had a letter from last month's speaker, to thank us for our donation to Rowcroft hospice. We are recommended to watch their short film: "Love Life Everyday" which can be found on their website 

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Some dates to remember in time for our next meeting:

Our next coffee morning at the Community Centre in town is Tuesday April 5th - so we will be looking for volunteers to help, as well as offers to make cakes and bring bric a brac.

Would you like to attend the Spring Council Meeting in Torquay on Wednesday 13th April? If yes, please bring a cheque for £11.50 on Thursday.

Our Pudding Club will have its inaugural meeting at The Corbyn Head Hotel on Friday 6th May. Comfortably seated in their recently redecorated lounge overlooking the sea, we will hear a talk from the Chef and have some tea and two puddings! £7.50. A spot of decadence for those looking to indulge themselves! (Perhaps we should think about walking home?)

Winter Wonderland Wander to Wells!

Barbara is organising what promises to be a marvellous day out on Friday, November 4th - it seems a long way ahead just now, but the closing date is at the end of June, so you need to make up your mind pretty quickly! 
The cost of the coach travel is £10, and and extra £6 if you wish to visit the Christmas Craft Fair at the Bishop's Palace. The Palace and gardens are very interesting, well worth a visit.
If you would like more details, please ring Barbara on 855439
We have a 49 seater coach booked, in order to keep the price at £10 we must fill it! So, please invite your family, friends and neighbours! 

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Resolutions 2016 - important points to remember:

This is a reminder from Anna Kidd on the Unofficial WI Facebook page:


We are coming into resolution season again and I'd just like to remind everyone of the importance of each WI taking a decision on whether their delegate has "discretion" when actually sitting in the Hall in Brighton. 

For safety's sake I would take a vote on whether the delegate has discretion or not on each resolution and MAKE SURE this information is communicated to the delegate along with the result of the resolution vote.

Discretion allows the delegate permission to change the vote based on the arguments heard from the expert speakers and the comments made in the hall at the AGM. These arguments are likely to be the most comprehensive, uptodate and well researched arguments members will hear.

Don't forget the delegate has to report back to the WI on the AGM and if she changes the vote an explanation would be included in the report.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

There is just time, if you act NOW....

      You are invited to join us at our

 DART-BAY Food Crafts & Skills, Annual Meeting

Thursday 3rd March 2016 –7pm start

‘Meet and Treat’ evening. Come along and meet other members at our Annual Meeting 

and have a treat on us. 

• A light supper and hot and cold Drinks will be provided FREE of charge.
• Plant Stall.
• Raffle.
• Members Prize competition – Our 4th Anniversary               A Handcrafted item (made by you) with the theme of Linen OR Hydrangeas, (please ensure your entry 
fits within a 12" (30cm) square piece of paper - no maximum height restriction)
• Speaker - John Harvey, Head Gardener at Churston Farm Shop Garden Centre 
will talk about 'Spring Gardening Ideas' 
• Announcement of our new programme for 2016/17
• We will also have our Annual Meeting and voting of new committee members- 
(new nominations welcome.)

Venue- Mary Magdelene Church Hall, Union Street, Torquay. TQ1 4BX

Cost:- FREE but booking essential. 

email names to TracyJohnson7@hotmail.com

Or ring:- 01803 329118