Wednesday 29 January 2020

Friday 17 January 2020

Record of our January meeting

Brixham WI Meeting  16th January 2020

What a rousing start to 2020!  Ellie led us in a rafter-raising rendition of Jerusalem,(although it could have been helped by the gale blowing outside!).

Apologies were received from Mary C, Lorna, Wendy Coote, Annie, Julie and Margaret S, who is still in hospital following her knee problems.

Iwas a very busy session from the start.  Paying our membership subscriptions kept Tina very busy for quite some time, handing out receipts, 2020 programme cards and membership booklets, as well as asking everyone to check their contact details and sign the Data Protection form.

Treasurers Report

Tina reported the current balance which will be boosted considerably by today’s membership fees.

We also had a lovely injection of funds from the Christmas Coffee Morning and Tina thanked everyone who helped or came to support it.  This goes a long way towards boosting our funds, which pay for venues, speakers, and expenses towards hosting events such as group meetings.  In total, we raised an amazing £327.19

As the financial year ends in March, Tina will close the books at the end of February, so if you have any payments to be made to or from the account, these need to be completed by 29th February.


Fire Safety  Sparks reminded everyone where the fire exits are and will also speak to the rugby club manager about their in-house safety procedures.  Wwere also reminded to keep coats and bags tucked in to avoid trip hazards.

Insurance  for visitors to be covered by our insurance, they need to pay to attend the meeting.  This applies to all visitors, including members from other WI branches.  The meeting agreed that £1.00 per visit is a fair amount.

2020 Programme  a request for tea ladies to arrange their own cover if theyre not able to come along on the scheduled date.  Sparks asked tea helpers to arrive early to set up and Barbara L. will bring supplies.  We also welcomeJo Canham who will come along to each meeting to do the washing up.  

2020 DFWI Centenary Year  Sparks highlighted the Spring Council Meeting in Exeter on 22nd April and the National Meeting at the Albert Hall on 4th June. Tina will be representing us in London as our nominated delegate and anyone wanting Observer tickets should contact Sparks.  Closing date 15th February.

Four Corners

We had the opportunity to try out four different crafts  Mindful Colouring, Making Gift Boxes, Calligraphy and Possum Nests  knitting or crocheting to support animals affected by the Australian wildfires.

Other business

Plymouth Synagogue Visit  confirmed date is Thursday 26th March.

Brixham Food Bank  the meeting agreed to continue to support this.

Short Mat Bowls  Christian Community Centre.  Thursdays 1.00  5.00 pm. Cost £1.50.
Contact Thelma 01803 857457.

Lunch Club  date to be confirmed shortly.

Workshops  were planning sessions on enamelling, beading, silk painting so far.

Tuesday Social  22nd January 2.00 pm.  Well be trying our hand at teabag folding.


The resolutions were reviewed, with the majority vote going to supporting the Stem Cell Donor Register.

Thought for the Month

Normas thought for the month was based on The Golden Rule  treat otherthe way that you would want others to treat you.


After a much need tea break (thank you Evan and Jean) Val led us in a new exercise routine where we all tried very hard to look elegant as we followed her ballet moves.


Thanks again to Sue for organising the monthly raffle. We also had VE Day raffle tickets to support the celebrations in May.  Tickets £5.00 to win £2,000 or a cruise.

Date of Next MeetingThursday 20th February 2.15 p.m

Brixham WI 2020!

We enjoyed a good meeting yesterday to begin our 2020 WI year! It was rather heavy on the business section, thanks to voting on the short listed resolutions. The stem cell donor resolution gained the most votes from us, with the one on ending modern slavery a close second. We will see later whether we are in tune with the rest of the nation of WI members!
Val has released our inner ballet dancers with her new round of exercises! That was fun!
We welcomed Jo, who is coming to wash up for us.
We made two decisions: we shall continue to support Brixham food bank. I will publish a list of what is needed, every now and again!
Secondly that all visitors will be asked to pay £1 at each meeting.
We mentioned that Margaret Seaward is in hospital, and everyone sent her their very best wishes.

Thursday 2 January 2020

Short mat bowls - anyone interested?

This is something for anyone! Just turn up and watch to see how it all works or join in!
Short mat bowls takes place in the Christian Community Centre in Fore Street on Thursdays 1.00-5.00 restarting 9th January 
£1.50 per session. You can play as long as you like or just come and have a cuppa and watch; sensible shoes needed.
Contact no is Thelma on 01803 857457, she is one of the Furzehamgreen bowlers. They have only got one mat at present it's a new venture so it’s trial and error! No need for any experience.

They are very friendly and welcoming!