Thursday 18 July 2019

July Meeting today

It was a very good turn-out again and Mary welcomed everyone to the meeting, with a special “welcome back” to Norma who is now recovering from her broken arm.  Norma thanked everyone for the cards she received for her 80th birthday.

Apologies were received from Sparks, Barbara LAnn Parker, Jan Morris, Anita, Marilyn and Mavis.

Our singing of Jerusalem was enhanced by the dulcet tones of Brian Smith, whose presentation on the work that Storybook Dads undertakes with prisoners was both enjoyable and moving, and Jane Morris gave a heartfelt vote of thanks on our behalf.

After teaVal led an energetic exercise session with the promise of a new routine and music after the summer break.
 Treasurer’s report
 Tina has received an insurance quote and reminded us that the insurance does not cover anyone over the age of 85 to work in the kitchen.

Secretarys Report
 Wendy signposted everyone to the events on offer and with a reminder of the Rowcroft fundraising event on Saturday 20th July at 2pm in the Churston Pavillionopposite Churston Grammar School. Donations of cakes would be much appreciated.

Presidents Report
 The Silver Ring Workshop was very successful, and the trainer has offered to run an enamelling workshop in the new year.  Mary will look into booking this, possibly for February.

Forthcoming Events are:

• Bowling  the new date is Thursday 12th September at 2.00.  £3.00 to include tea and cake.
• Beading Workshop  Tuesday 23rd July at 2.00 led by Tina Pine from Yes @The Edge
• Cream Tea at Livermead House Hotel, Thursday 8th August at 2.30
• Trip to Fermoys garden centre Tuesday 10th September at 2.30.  A talk on Autumn Planting, followed by a tour and tea.  Car shares to be arranged.  Pay on the day.
• Stained Glass Workshop on 30th September 10.30.  £20 to be paid at September meeting.
• Christmas Lunch Tuesday 3rd December at the Paignton Club.  Three courses £18.50.  Board and menu available at September meeting.
 Future Plans
 Tina has made enquiries about a visit to the Plymouth Synagogue, possibly in March.  This will be a tour and talk.  There is no charge for the visit, but donations are welcome.  There will be a charge to cover the cost of the coach hire.  Tina will look for suitable dates.
 Truro Lantern Parade Wednesday 20th November.  Coach will depart Brixham Rugby Club at10.30, returning from Truro at around 7.30 p.m.  £12.00 per person and families and friends are very welcome.
 The Carol Service will be on Thursday 5th December 2.00  4.00 at the Methodist Church.  Suggestions for carols will be requested at the September meeting.

Other items
 The committee has agreed that as we now have over 50 members there is no longer space in the meeting room for the sales tableparticularly in the winter when members hang coats on the back of chairs.  Mary reminded everyone that there are coat hooks outside the meeting room door where coats will be perfectly safe.
 We are planning to reintroduce the Drama Group in the New Year, headed up by Lorna so will be looking for members to join the group.
 VE Day celebrations  8th, 9th, 10th May 2020.  John Brennan has requested that we provide two fashion shows during the events, so everyone is encouraged to bring out those 1940s frocks and participate.

John Brennan has also asked us to make some bunting for the event.  This can be done at the normal craft sessions.


1. Jill Daw - Gerbera
2. BarbarAshton  White Rose
3. Norma Earp  Sweet Peas


Prizes were won by Pam, Tina, Shirley, Jill, Sue, Wendy, Lorna 


Barbara Ashton thanked everyone for their kindness and support during hecurrent health problems

President’s flowers went to Norma.

Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 19th September.  Members of the Uffcombe WI will be visiting and the speaker will be Rosemary Griggs on A Tudor Lady’s Wardrobe.

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